Friday, 25 December 2009

White Christmas - 's no joke ! Darnton i' the Snow.

Darlington used to go by the name of Darnton . When King James of Scotland visited the town in 1603 he said it should be called Darnton i'th Dirt ! Apparently he didn't like the unpaved streets ! Stupid boy... This week it's Darnton i'th Snow! The lovely twelfth century Church of St Cuthbert looks especially good with a covering.

This rather spooky chap is in the cemetery near
where we live. I wouldn't like to meet him on a foggy night. He seems to have a cold sore on his lip - must be the weather I suppose. The picture has not been doctored in any way.

For a really cold winter you need to go back to that of 1962-3. THE BIG FREEZE. Starting just after Christmas it didn't let up until early March ! It had been the coldest winter since 1739-40. Not many of us are left to tell the tale.